Sunday, October 31, 2021

Learn about the magic behind butterflies...

Kia ora my wonderful readers! I cannot believe that we have reached week 3 of term 4 already - it has been such a long time since we have been able to see each other face to face.  Still, I am more and more amazed every day at how well you have all been handling this extended period of home learning. I can honestly say that learning has been happening online for Room 2, we have created a lot of projects and have been doing a lot of sharing as well..

For the next two weeks, we will be working on developing our critical thinking skills through our T-shaped literacy unit about butterflies (click on the link and check it out too!). Let me tell you about what I planned for us: we will learn about the life cycle of butterflies, what makes them so special, and we will even have some opportunities to do some art together.

Look at these cool displays that we can use to showcase and share our learning:

What do you think of our three displays? Which one do you like best? If you would like to see your own work on these displays, it is easy as: simply fill in this form to let us know what you have learned about butterflies.

As always, I am sending lots of love and Aroha your way, and I absolutely cannot wait to hear back from you! 🤎🤎🤎

Friday, October 29, 2021

Friendship & the Rainbow Fish

Kia ora my wonderful readers!

We have spent two fantastic weeks working on our T-shaped literacy unit about friendship/ whakahoahoa (click on the link and check it out too!). And let me tell you about all the great mahi that the students in Room 2 have been doing.

We have been learning how to use a new tool this term, and it looks like we are starting to be pros at using jamboards already. But don't mind me, check it out for yourself (no teacher editing here, yay!):

If you are not familiar with the story of the Rainbow Fish, our classmate Zara has even recorded herself reading it to us. Well done Zara for doing so many create activities and for remembering to share them with us, what a fantastic work! 🌟

As always, I am sending lots of love and Aroha your way, and I absolutely cannot wait to hear back from you! 💚

Monday, October 25, 2021

Top 3 things about Room 2's students

Welcome to term 4 my wonderful readers!

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been a whole week of online learning already. I know that this is not quite what we hoped term 4 would be like, but I know that we can do this. 

I thought that we should start this term with one of the most fantastic pieces of work that we have done so far. This is our most popular writing activity to date, and I can see why. It is oh so exciting to find out more about our friends! 

I cannot express how proud I am of your hard work over the past few months, and as hard as distance learning can be, I have planned a whole lot of new activities for us to have fun together. I've got a whole lot that I want to publish on our blog (with your help of course!), and I am so looking forward to a whole new term of learning.

As always, I am sending lots of love and Aroha your way, and I absolutely cannot wait to hear back from you! 💛