Friday, August 20, 2021

Room 2's distance learning - Here we go again!

 Kia ora team!

As you would have probably noticed, I am not exactly the best at posting regularly. I thought we would do things differently this time (just in case I forget again... But let's hope I don't!). Look at the fantastic learning which has been going on in our socially distanced classroom over the past couple of days:

Made with Padlet
Why don't you try adding a comment under someone else's work? 

If you would like to find out more about what we have been up to recently, I encourage you to visit our class site which has been kept (mostly) up to date. Have you already had a look at our distance learning page? If you haven't, go check it out! 

I hope you are all keeping well in your bubbles, I cannot wait to see you in person really soon! Sending love and aroha your way. ❤️


  1. I'm so impressed with how Room 2 are posting and sharing their wonderful learning with everyone. Ka pai Room 2!

  2. What a cool post Miss Flo. I love it. Your class site is amazing and a showcase amongst the local cluster of six schools. What a feather in your cap. I'm also working on keeping my blog up to date. I was inspired to make a post tonight after reading Chloe's post from Room 21. Here is my blog: I"ll pop back again shortly to see what the cool kiddos in Room 2 are getting on with. Stay safe everyone.

  3. Talofa Rm 2
    You have an amazing teacher who definitly is very skilled at blogging.
    Well done Ms Flo.Impressive.I loved reading Amber and charlies posts too.
    I hope that our diary family are keeping well under level 4 too charlie.
    Good to hear that you go to the diary for a walk.:)

  4. Look how busy you have been during Lockdown. What a creative way of sharing all your writing too

  5. Wow Room 2 you have an awesome blog site. Look at all the work that you have done and is being shared around the world. You are famous. Miss Flo as usual I am in awe odf your awesomeness. Can't wait for you to teach me how to make my blog look as beautiful!

  6. Thank you Room 2 students for sharing your learning with us. It's great to see what you have been learning at home during Lockdown. Ka pai to Miss Flo for sharing her great ideas too!
